‘‘A study on the potential of NCF thermoplastic composites for use in aeronautic structural applications’’, to be published in Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization (ICPPC 2010), Kottayam, India, 15-17 January, 2010
‘‘A study on the potential of NCF thermoplastic composites for use in aeronautic structural applications’’, to be published in Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization (ICPPC 2010), Kottayam, India, 15-17 January, 2010
Sp.G.Pantelakis, Ch.V.Katsiropoulos, B.C.Meyer
Συσχέτιση με προσωπικό
Παντελάκης Σπύρος, Κατσιρόπουλος Χρήστος