‘‘Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Tensile and In-plane Shear Behavior of Carbon Fiber- Reinforced Poly(phenylene sulfide) Composite Specimens’’, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (107), 2008, p.p. 3190-3199
‘‘Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Tensile and In-plane Shear Behavior of Carbon Fiber- Reinforced Poly(phenylene sulfide) Composite Specimens’’, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (107), 2008, p.p. 3190-3199
Sp. G. Pantelakis, Ch. V. Katsiropoulos, Patrice Lefebure
Συσχέτιση με προσωπικό
Παντελάκης Σπύρος, Κατσιρόπουλος Χρήστος