‘‘Numerical Simulation of the tensile Behaviour of Corroded and Hydrogen Embrittled 2024 T351 Aluminum Alloy Specimen’’, In: Proc. of the 7th Mesomechanics Conference on Materials for Safety and Health, Montreal, Canada ,01-04 August, 2005, p.p. 106-114


‘‘Numerical Simulation of the tensile Behaviour of Corroded and Hydrogen Embrittled 2024 T351 Aluminum Alloy Specimen’’, In: Proc. of the 7th Mesomechanics Conference on Materials for Safety and Health, Montreal, Canada ,01-04 August, 2005, p.p. 106-114


Sp. G. Pantelakis, G. Labeas, Al. Th. Kermanidis and D.Stamatelos

Συσχέτιση με προσωπικό

Παντελάκης Σπύρος, Κερμανίδης Θεόδωρος