“Simulation of the Impact Response of Composite Aircraft Substructures”, In: Proc. of the 4th Seminary Experimental Techniques and Design In Composite Materials 4, Sheffield, U.K., September 1-2, 1998, A.A.Balkema Publishers, 2002 (edited by M.S. Found), p.p. 117-128
“Simulation of the Impact Response of Composite Aircraft Substructures”, In: Proc. of the 4th Seminary Experimental Techniques and Design In Composite Materials 4, Sheffield, U.K., September 1-2, 1998, A.A.Balkema Publishers, 2002 (edited by M.S. Found), p.p. 117-128
Th. Kermanidis, G. Labeas, Sp. Pantelakis, D. Kohlgrueber, J. Wiggenraad
Συσχέτιση με προσωπικό
Pantelakis Spiros, Kermanidis Theodoros