Welcome to the new website
of the Laboratory of Technology & Strength of Materials

The Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Material (LTSM) is part of the Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Department of the University of Patras. The primary mission of LTSM is the education of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the fields of materials science and technology and analysis and strength of structural components and structures. Conducting fundamental and technological state-of-the art research in scientific and technological fields that Laboratory covers, is included in its main mission. Dissemination of knowledge, first of all to students, is accomplished through continuously updates of curriculum, but is more widely spread in academic and scientific society through national and international conferences, as well as though articles written and published in the most valid international journals or presented in specialized international conferences. Laboratory's concern is the creation of a suitable environment for exchanging ideas amongst researchers, academics and practitioners. Finally, Laboratory provides specialized services related to the characterization of materials technological properties and mechanical behaviour, as well as their technical certification. Furthermore, Laboratory provides services in resolving technical issues concerning phase analysis, strength evaluation and design of structural components and structures, as well as the analysis of structural failures.

Laboratory is certified according to ISO 17025.


We hope the information on our website meets your demands and expectations. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.


Warm regards,

Professor Spiros Pantelakis,

Director of the Laboratory of Technology & Strength of Material

of the Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Department.