(1) "Policy and Oversight: Technical Corrosion Collaboration"
Scott Fawaz
Office of Undersecretary of Defense, USA
Acquisition Technology and Logistics
Summary: DoD Response to Corrosion Issues: National Defense Authorization Act, Military Equipment and Infrastructure, Prevention and Mitigation of Corrosion.
Demetrios Papacostas
CEO at Hellenic Aerospace Industry, Greece
Senior Executive, Corporate Officer and Board Chairman
Summary: In Hellenic Aerospace Ind. new methods are developed for sensorized structures, preparing the technology background and demonstrators, for the manufacturing of the next generation European Aircraft and contributing in the supply chain of the major European OEMs. An overview is presented for the specific technologies and research activities. Novel smart health monitoring systems embedded in critical aircraft components and networks are incorporated with different sensors to enhabce reliability, efficiency, damage detection capability and economic benefit.
(3) "Fatigue Life Prediction and Surface Enhnancement of Aeronautical Materials in China"
Zheng Zhong*
Dean of School of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics,Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Yukui GaProfessor of School of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Tongji University, Shanghai 2000092, China
Summary: Fatigue properties of high strength metallic materials for aircrafts are summarized and a fatigue life prediction method based on small crack theory is proposed. Recent developments of surface enhancements such as laser peening, shot peening, cold hole expansion are employed to increase the fatigue performance of high strength aeronautical metals. Evaluation of the effects of residual stresses on fatigue life of materials is discussed.
* Presenting author
(4) "Research related to fatigue durability and structural health monitoring for aircrafts in Russia"
Sergey Panin*
Deputy Director of Inst. of Strength Phys. & Mat. Sci., Tomsk
Victor Panin
Adviser of Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Laboratory, Inst. of Strength Phys. & Mat. Sci., Tomsk
Victor Sergeev
Deputy Director of Inst. of Strength Phys. & Mat. Sci., Tomsk
Mikhail Burkov
Researcher of Inst. of Strength Phys. & Mat. Sci.,Tomsk
Pavel Luybutin
Researcher of Inst. of Strength Phys. & Mat. Sci.,Tomsk
Summary: Recent developments of material science are related to the modification of structure and properties of traditionally used alloys. Higher fatigue durability can be obtained by precision treatment of surface. High-temperature ceramic coating can improve the operating temperatures. Smart coatings can further sustain severe operating conditions. Life prediction methods are developed for fatigue and fracture of structural materials to enhance operation safety and more effective use of the structural health monitoring system.
* Presenting author
(5) "Fatigue of Polymer Composites: Characterization, Analysis and Interpretation of Fatigue Crack Growth"
Steffen Stelzer*
Institute for Materials Science and Testing of Plastics, Montanuniversity Leoben, Leoben, Austria
Andreas J. Brunner
Laboratory for Mechanical Systems Engineering, Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Duebendorf, Switzerland
Rhys Jones
Centre of Expertise in Structural Mechanics, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Australia
Summary: Recent experimental characterization of cyclic fatigue crack growth in carbon-fiber polymer composite specimens has high-lighted a number of issues that have potential relevance for the "no-growth" design philosophy for composite structures and for fatigue life prediction.
* Presenting author
(6) ''Innovative Life Prediction Technology of Aero Engines"
Tu Shan-Tung
United Innovation Center (UIC) of Life Prediction Technology of Aero Engines,
East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST)
Summary: The Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC) has planned to Invest billions of USD for aero engine research and development. The UIC shall be involved as a part of this effort. The lecture will provide some comparisons of current life prediction methods and new techniques for life design of future engines.
(7) ''Linear and Nonlinear Lamb Wave SHM for Composite Materials and Structures''
Dimitris Saravanos
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras, Greece
Summary: In this presentation we will first review research work on active SHM methods based on the linear wave propagation of Lamb waves. Numerical results from semi-analytical solutions and FEA models will illustrate the propagation of guided waves in laminated composite strips. Experimental results will further demonstrate the capability of ultrasonic Lamb waves to detect small delamination cracks, matrix cracks and impact damage in composite strips.