Scientific Committee
Filippo Berto |
University of Padova, Italy |
P.M.S.T. de Castro |
University of Porto, Portugal |
Athanassios Dafnis |
RWTH Aachen, Germany |
Spilios Fassois |
University of Patras, Greece |
Rhys Jones |
Monash University, Australia |
Evaggelos Karachalios |
Hellenic Aerospace Industry, Greece |
Alexis Kermanidis |
University of Thessaly, Greece |
Theodoros Kermanidis |
University of Patras, Greece |
George Labeas |
University of Patras, Greece |
Paolo Lazzarin |
University of Padova, Italy |
John Michopoulos |
Naval Research Laboratory, USA |
Wiesław Ostachowicz |
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland |
Spiros Pantelakis |
University of Patras, Greece |
Zaira Marioli-Riga |
Hellenic Aerospace Industry, Greece |
Roman Ruzek |
VZLU (Aerospace Research and Test Establishment), Czech Republic |
Dimitris Saravanos |
University of Patras, Greece |
George C. Sih |
ICSAELS, Lehigh University, USA |
S.M.O. Tavares |
University of Porto, Portugal |
Konstantinos Tserpes |
University of Patras, Greece |
Shantung Tu |
East China University of Science and Technology, China |
Toan Vu-Khanh |
Ecole de Technologie Superieur, Canada |
Huang Yuan |
AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Corp. Ltd, Shanghai, China / Mechanical Eng. Department, University of Wuppertal, Germany |
Xueren Wu |
AVIC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, China |
Local Organizing Committee
Dr. Apostolos Chamos |
University of Patras, Greece |
Dr. Ioannis Diamantakos |
University of Patras, Greece |
Dr. Christos Katsiropoulos |
University of Patras, Greece |
Dr. Michael Papadopoulos |
University of Patras, Greece |